Sunday, March 16, 2014

A disaster of a manicure


So, I got married. And got a second job. And a cat. 

Blogging didn't happen for several months. 

I'm back now, with a disaster of a manicure to show you. 

Shrinkage. Bubbling. Hair marks. 
This manicure has it all. 

It's Deception from the new Wet n Wild Wild Shine collection, with Too Hot for You on the ring finger. Those polishes are fine. 

The problems happened when I tried to use these little flower thingies as decoration. I got them at Walgreens for 49 cents, and they turned out to be way too thick and not bendy enough. Three coats of Poshe top coat later, and I finally got a somewhat smooth surface, and a ton of bubbles and shrinkage. 

This will be coming off shortly. 

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