Saturday, December 5, 2009

Foundation Review Criteria

I teach, so naturally, I'm into rubrics.

For the upcoming foundation reviews, I'll be rating different aspects of the foundations' performance and adding up the total score out of thirty points possible. There will be no curve, and no extra credit will be given.

Behold, the rubric.

A. Color matching.
1. Does not match my skin at all.
2. Brand changes color quickly so it no longer matches.
3. Sort of matches.
4. Close, but not quite.
5. I can't even tell where the line is!

B. Coverage.
1. Does not even even out skin tone.
2. Barely covers blemishes.
3. Covers blemishes and makes scar less noticeable.
4. Significantly reduces contrast between normal skin and blemishes/scar.
5. Covers everything - I've faked flawless skin.

C. Adhesion/durability.
1. Barely lasts the morning.
2. Lasts most of the day, but becomes patchy or rubs off easily.
3. Gets me through an eight-hour day.
4. Almost gets me through a twelve-hour day.
5. Gets me through a twelve-hour day.

D. Combination skin friendliness factor.
1. Turns me into an oil slick or dries me out.
2. Does not control oil or makes dry spots prominent.
3. Does ok until lunch.
4. By mid-afternoon, some oil spots have broken out or some areas look dryer than normal.
5. Oil slick? Dry spots? What oil slick or dry spots?

E. Irritancy.
1. Broke me out bad.
2. Tiny bumps or itching.
3. No problems at all.

F. Presentation
1. Ugly and/or problematic packaging.
2. Functional packaging
3. Beautiful presentation.

G. Value
1. Exceptionally expensive. Much less product per dollar than you'd expect.
2. Costs about what you'd expect.
3. Exceptionally good value. Much more volume per dollar than you'd expect.

H. Company is nice to work with, good customer service. 1 point.

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